
The most accurate and reliable measurement of energy metabolism.

Understanding Running Economy with the Omnical Indirect Calorimeter

Introduction  Running economy, the amount of energy a person uses to maintain a specific running pace, is a key determinant of performance,…

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Exploring the Connection Between Heart Rate Variability and Ventilatory Thresholds

Introduction  In the ever-evolving domain of sports science, the study led by Bas Van Hooren and colleagues explores the correlation…

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Exploring How Data Selection Affects Daily Consistency in Resting Metabolic Rate Measurements Across Four Metabolic Carts

Introduction The study titled "Impact of methods for data selection on the day-to-day reproducibility of resting metabolic rate assessed…

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Age, BMI, and Nocturnal Substrate Oxidation: Exploring the Links in a Comprehensive Analysis

Introduction Metabolic health is intricately linked to the dynamic interplay between carbohydrate and fat oxidation rates. During periods…

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Shedding Light on Insulin Resistance: How Bright and Dim Light Impact Substrate Metabolism, Energy Expenditure, and Thermoregulation Throughout the Day

Introduction Light is the primary zeitgeber, or time cue, for synchronizing the internal biological clock of mammals with the 24-hour…

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Replacing High-Glycemic Index and High-Saturated Fat Foods with Low-Glycemic Index and Low-Saturated Fat Alternatives Reduces Hepatic Fat, Even in Isocaloric and Macronutrient Matched Conditions

Introduction Obesity is a global health problem, with rates nearly tripling in the past 45 years. Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver (NAFL),…

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Pre-sleep Protein Ingestion Increases Mitochondrial Protein Synthesis Rates During Overnight Recovery from Endurance Exercise: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Trommelen et al. (2023) studied the effects of pre-sleep protein Ingestion and overnight recovery from endurance exercise.  Introduction…

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Calculating energy expenditure in professional cyclists using data: Validation against doubly labeled water

Based on power data, basal metabolic rate (BMR), and a non-exercise physical activity level (PAL) value, Bas Van Hooren et al. (2022)…

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Reproducibility of the energy metabolism response to an oral glucose tolerance test: influence of a post calorimetric correction procedure

Metabolic flexibility, a surrogate for metabolic health, can be measured using the variation in the respiratory exchange ratio (RER) in…

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The cost of chewing: The energetics and evolutionary significance of mastication in humans  

Using respirometry and electromyography, Van Casteren, Adam et al. (2022) investigated the energetics and evolutionary importance of human…

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Methods for system validation

Schoffelen & Plasqui explained the methods for indirect calorimetry system validation in their 2017 paper: “Classical experiments in…

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Training for the perfect body

Bas van Hooren (Maastricht University) was interviewed by NOS Stories (Netherlands Public Broadcasting) regarding which elements and body…

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Improving Energy Expenditure Estimation with Wearables Measuring Physiological Signals

Wouter Bijnens A , Kenneth Meijer B , Guy Plasqui B A Research Engineering, Maastricht University, The Netherlands B Department of…

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In postmenopausal women, sitting less elicits metabolic responses comparable to exercise and enhances insulin sensitivity

Introduction Exercise is critical for the effective prevention and treatment of type 2 diabetes, but compliance with an active lifestyle…

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ITEA Food Friend updates

Introduction The Food Friend project consists of a consortium of 5 countries and 17 partners. The smart health project will run from…

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Application areas for indirect calorimetry

Schoffelen & Plasqui explained the application area's in their 2017 paper: “Classical experiments in whole-body metabolism:…

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Validity of four commercially available metabolic carts for assessing resting metabolic rate and respiratory exchange ratio in non-ventilated humans

Introduction Alcantara et al. (2022) wanted to research how accurate, precise, within-subject repeatability, and concordance of RMR and RER…

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Self-paced and fixed speed treadmill walking yield similar energetics and biomechanics across different speeds

Theunissen et al. (2021) examined whether the energy cost and biomechanics of self-paced and matched-speed fixed-paced locomotion are…

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The effect of intermittent and localized cooling on skin temperature, sleep quality, and energy expenditure in healthy, free-living young adults.

Introduction  Huiwen Xu, et al. (2021) is the first to examine the potential benefits of prolonged exposure to intermittent, localized cold…

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Free hardcopy: Assessment of Resting Energy Expenditure and nutrient oxidation by indirect calorimetry: methodological implications.

Are you interested in measuring Resting Metabolic Rate and nutrient oxidation in humans? Do you want to find out how the performance of…

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Energetic cost of walking study with Omnical indirect calorimeter and MOTEK CAREN

In the webinar “Innovations in Sports Research: using advanced rehabilitation technology” you will hear from three renowned…

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24-Hour Energy Expenditure Components: TEF / DIT (thermic effect of food / diet induced thermogenesis)

Human Energy Expenditure (EE) is not stable over a 24-hour period. It varies depending on the time of day, physical activity, the…

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24-Hour energy expenditure components: BMR and RMR (basal metabolic rate / resting metabolic rate)

Human Energy Expenditure (EE) is not stable over a 24-hour period. It varies depending on the time of day, physical activity, the…

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24-Hour energy expenditure components: SMR

Human Energy Expenditure (EE) is not stable over a 24-hour period. It varies depending on the time of day, physical activity, the…

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24-Hour energy expenditure components explained

Human Energy Expenditure (EE) is not stable over a 24-hour period. It varies depending on the time of day, physical activity, the…

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The success of the Warwick metabolic chambers

John Hattersly, head of the metabolic research department and honorary associate professor in the school of engineering at Warwick…

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Free-living research on young children in respiration chambers

In our current society it is important to promote physical activity among young children. Therefore, it is necessary to accurately measure…

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Maastricht Instruments’ respiration chamber: insight into your metabolism

In the case of diseases of social welfare such as obesity and diabetes, the solution is increasingly being looked for in lifestyle advice.…

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Shivering from the cold against type 2 diabetes?

Can people with a pre-stage of type 2 diabetes, who spend at least one hour in a special cold suit, reduce the risk of…

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Variability of the RQ in 24-hour measurements

The respiratory quotient (RQ) indicates the ratio between carbon dioxide production and oxygen consumption and reflects whole body…

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The Omnical is the first to perform metabolic research on female polar travelers

Maastricht Instruments room calorimeter is used in the first study on the consequences for women undertaking expeditionary polar travel,…

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Whole body room calorimeters to study appetite control, energy balance and the role of dietary protein

Whole body room calorimeters to study appetite control, energy balance and the role of dietary protein: The increasing prevalence of…

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Is there a super metabolic effect by ingesting super foods?

The world-wide obesity problem is only worsening. It has been proven that increasing energy expenditure is an effective prevention method…

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Omnical maximum exercise test as basis for an individual training schedule

The LIME start-to-bike project aims to help people who need the extra support to start their cycle-journey, so they can  reach the 100km…

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Omnical as a highly accurate tool to measure VO2max

Test-retest variability of VO2max executed with the Omnical shows a linear relationship of VO2 and Power in a cardiopulmonary exercise…

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Impact of a bed potato lifestyle on mental and physical health

Bed potato: physical health under pressure Most people are familiar with the term “coach potato”.  “Bed potato” may be the new lifestyle…

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Sports performance testing

About Topsport Limburg Opened since February 6, 2015, the Topsport Limburg is a High-Performance Centre with elite training facilities for…

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Omnical: combining 35 years of respiration chamber experience

Combining 35 years of respiration chamber experience with its state of the art metabolic cart, the Omnical system, Maastricht Instruments…

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Centre for Scientific Research on Human Metabolism

Research at NUTRIM The School of Nutrition and Translational Research in Metabolism (NUTRIM) at Maastricht University is a centre of…

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Indirect calorimetry gas sampling methods – An overview

Different indirect calorimetry systems are commercially available, differentiated by the way subjects are connected (e.g. hood, facemask),…

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Considerations for the use of Indirect Calorimeters in Exercise Bioenergetics

The ability of an indirect calorimeter to accurately measure immediate and dramatic changes in gas flow and respiration gases during…

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Considerations for the use of Indirect Calorimeters in Nutrition Management

Knowledge of actual energy expenditure is important for optimal nutrition managementProviding optimal nutrition for the critically ill…

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Determining the Accuracy and Reliability of Indirect Calorimeters

Expired gas analysis indirect calorimetry is considered the “Gold Standard” for measuring resting energy expenditure, but do all indirect…

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Understanding Indirect Calorimetry

What is it? Indirect calorimetry is the science associated with analysing metabolic processes. While direct calorimetry is achieved…

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